I was excited to be a part of the first ever annual Eugene Young Professionals Summit and am proud to report that the event was everything it was advertised to be. The vibe was electric, the presentations were inspiring and the material was direct. While Millennails may get a bad wrap throughout the nation, this gathering in Eugene, Oregon on June 2nd of 2016 was a celebration of the efforts of many motivated young professionals sharing stories of battles won, lost and on-going for the development of our community as well as our professional aspirations. The Eugene Young Professionals Summit was an extension of the fruits of the Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals Network and their many partners in the local community. For the Eugene area, the bar has been set rather high for the launch of an event aimed at connecting young professionals and further inspiring their engagement in the local economy. Since the event was social media charged, this first recap will showcase live tweets highlighting moments from the event. I tried to discipline myself to primarily experience the event, something that can't always be done when you are tweeting every moment, so here are some of the key points. If these grab your attention you can reference my Twitter feed for corresponding photos as well as the links to other young professionals who tweeted throughout the event. Event Kick Off & Keynote Speaker This is what millennialism in action looks like. #eugeneypsummit Watch Out! @jessemthomas speaking at #EugeneYPSummit - secret to success "LARPing" (if you didn't attend you missed it) Start Up Panel @upstreamOR @iamcarolina @derekedws @youngmtntea Startup Panel for #EugeneYPSummit #EugeneYPSummit Start Up Panel - Feel the buzz in Eugene/Springfield, an ecosystem of start ups w/ a sense of balance @eugenerain @nedcocdc Post Lunch & Young Professionals Panel Thus far #EugeneYPSummit is everything advertised, well done by all involved #EugeneYPSummit Young Professionals Panel - @DutchBros @nedcocdc @RolfPrima @JakeWeatherly @PIVOTarch Table Talks Frustrated w macro politics, individuals can make an impact at the local level by showing up & entering discussion #INvolved #EugeneYPSummit @LoniChristine83 @Eugene2030 is a great way to connect with your community and give back while growing your leaderships skills. #eugeneypsummit Deep Dive: Eugene Civic Alliance @KidsportsBev & @EugeneCivic discuss Play On, Civic - revive & reimagine following disaster #EugeneYPSummit Don't wait for someone to come and ask you, find something you want to get #INvolved in and go do it. #EugeneYPSummit Deep Dive: DWN TWN EUG Denny Braud of @cityofeugene speaking at #EugeneYPSummit - 5 years $300M invested in Downtown Eugene Development Denny expressed gratitude & inspiration that 63 people attended (58 under 40) @cityofeugene Public Renewal Meeting #EugeneYPSummit #INvolved @simplyelena If a group of us showed up at city council, we could make a difference! No, really. REALLY. @bqdub #micdrop moment. #eugeneypsummit Closing @CelesteEdman speaking to close festivities #EugeneYPsummit aka standing between YPs & adult beverages You can't just show up when YOU need help, participate in the community and it will reciprocate - @CelesteEdman #EugeneYPSummit @EugeneYPSummit #EugeneYPSummit 100% well done by EVERY person & organization up front & behind the scenes Eugene Young Professionals Summit @eugeneypsummit / #eugeneypsummit website Stay tuned for the Second Annual Eugene YP Summit 2017!
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AuthorThoughts on personal and professional development. Jon Isaacson, The Intentional Restorer, is a contractor, author, and host of The DYOJO Podcast. The goal of The DYOJO is to help growth-minded restoration professionals shorten their DANG learning curve for personal and professional development. You can watch The DYOJO Podcast on YouTube on Thursdays or listen on your favorite podcast platform.
March 2023
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