Ghostwriting is a means of enabling you to publish content in your name while having someone else assist you with composing and publishing the items you plan to feature. There are three main means by which we can assist you with ghost writing content and helping you achieve your objectives. Ghostwriting helps extend your branding Some entrepreneurs will reach out to a ghostwriting to generate regular content that helps them promote their brand. Common tools in this endeavor include:
Ghostwriting for professional blogs Professional blogs are low cost and have a high potential return on investment. A well written blog post allows you to create content targeted at highlighting aspects of your products and services as well as highlighting the unique value you bring to the market. Skilled ghostwriters understand the means of writing content that will track online (please the robots) while keeping the attention of readers (attract the humans). If you have written in the past, ghost writers will learn to mirror your style so that the content maintains your voice throughout the partnership. Ghostwriting for social media platforms While most entrepreneurs utilize social media platforms, it is still surprising how many don’t utilize them to optimize their efforts to build brand awareness. If you are doing the work to self publish professional blog posts, test the content by posting these posts (in part or in whole) to your social media platforms. A ghostwriter can assist you to format the content for the audiences you are targeting. For example:
All of these platforms pair well with short videos that highlight your writing and can be a good way to test whether your content tracks with your audience. If you have a consistent following on social media, signifying that you are creating content that provides interest and/or value with your intended audience, you will want to explore the next evolution in published content, external publications. Ghost writing for published articles As you develop your content, you will want to submit articles to relevant publications that:
It is common for entrepreneurs to utilize skilled ghostwriters to help them create and submit content in this manner. If you have been putting in the work to create consistently high value blog posts these can become the foundation from which you begin the process of publishing outside of your own platforms. There are a variety of websites that allow you to submit content in a variety of means, including pitches, email submissions, web portals, etc. A skilled ghost writer can help you navigate this process. Will ghost writing work for you? There are three levels of partnership with a ghostwriter:
As noted above, a skilled ghostwriter understands how to create content that will help you enhance placement online while maintaining the interest of a person reading your article. Simple things such as helping you narrow down the topic you are presenting, targeting keywords that are relevant to your content, and developing a finished product that flows are key to an article that will be optimized for your purposes. If you have written in the past, you will want your ghostwriter to maintain your style and voice so that your content maintains synergy with your total offerings. Contact THE DYOJO to discuss ghostwriting services for your next project
In the skilled trades and service industries, we often are hiring young people with little work and people experience and expecting them to excel with minimal training. Somehow, we expect them to magically acquire skills that we barely master, including communicating with customers. Eric “The Tech Whisperer” Sprague joined us for The DYOJO Podcast and discussed the backwards thinking he had as a manager expecting twenty somethings to be able to explain complex service offering such as property restoration. He had to learn and develop a process for training his team members which he calls Morning Tech Meeting. Integrity is key when talking to customers Remember that communication is more than just talking. If your goal is to develop a thriving culture, then you will want to remind your team members that their integrity is essential. Most organizations have some variance of “do it right” as a core value, but few do much in the way of training to help team members understand how that applies to their work. Unfortunately, there are too many examples of people who will speak when without thinking about what they are saying or about things that they don’t fully understand. Perhaps that hits you because you are guilty of doing this. You are not doing yourself or your client a good service if you tell them something just to ease the tension or sound important. Train your team, and show them by example, that it is ok to NOT know the answer to a question. Training your team to talk to customers - Rule number one Whenever we would onboard new technicians, or in peak season when we would bring in temporary labor, I would give some variation of a speech about two great communication anathemas that weren’t to be practiced in our team culture:
Training your team to talk to customers - Rule number two Customer service, or better said, the customer experience, is essential to long term success. You cannot expect that customer service is common sense or that your existing team will pass down everything that you hold dear.
The habit of training your team to talk to customers If you are a manager and/or owner, when you train your team members to develop their mindset and habits, you communicate opportunities for growth which will also push you to continue to grow. This quote attributed to Richard Branson, is a strong encouragement to any organization that wants to thrive with their people, "Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don't want to."
AuthorThoughts on personal and professional development. Jon Isaacson, The Intentional Restorer, is a contractor, author, and host of The DYOJO Podcast. The goal of The DYOJO is to help growth-minded restoration professionals shorten their DANG learning curve for personal and professional development. You can watch The DYOJO Podcast on YouTube on Thursdays or listen on your favorite podcast platform.
September 2024
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